Tax compliance & criminal business law
Our lawyers assist their clients in the various areas of business criminal law and in the prevention of risks related to the regulations – mainly banking and financial – that apply to them (“compliance”).
After a detailed analysis of the client’s specific situation, our lawyers will be able to propose a pragmatic solution to the particular questions retained as well as personalized assistance linked to the concrete application of the solution found. Given the regulatory inflation encountered in the field in recent years, our lawyers develop legal monitoring tools in their areas of expertise.
Our lawyers will also assist their clients in defending their interests in the presence of an investigation by a regulator or an administrative or judicial authority. This also includes the possibility of finding negotiated solutions.
Finally, our lawyers can assist you in the drafting, analysis and follow-up of your documents with a “compliance” dimension, be it in the fight against money laundering, insider trading, exit procedures (termination of banking relations), financing of terrorism, international financial sanctions and embargoes, corporate law, consumer protection rules or compliance of financial products and services developed and offered to the public.
In addition to advising clients, our lawyers also defend their clients’ interests before the courts.

Bazacle & Solon
BCE 0654.839.377
Avenue Roger Vandendriessche 18 (bte 7)
1150 Bruxelles – Belgique
+ 32 (0) 2 770 56 24