par BazacleSolon | Fév 7, 2018 | Non classé
This Thursday 1 February 2018, the Belgian parliament adopted a bill implementing the tax on securities accounts. As a reminder, this tax is a 0.15% withholding tax on securities accounts amounting to at least €500,000 that will be assessed for the first time in...
par BazacleSolon | Juil 26, 2017 | Non classé
Bazacle & Solon has accepted to participate – pro bono – to the setting up of an international humanitarian investment program built up by the International Committee of the Red Cross. Bazacle & Solon has assisted the ICRC on regulatory and compliance...
par BazacleSolon | Avr 25, 2017 | Non classé
Publication today on the website of the Federal Public Service Finance about the application of the Financial Transactions Tax:...
par BazacleSolon | Avr 25, 2017 | Non classé
Publicatie vandaag op de website van de Federale Overheidsdienst Financien over uitleggingen betreffende de toepassing van de TOB:...
par BazacleSolon | Avr 25, 2017 | Non classé
Emanuele Ceci and Florence Lallemant have published an article regarding 2016 News in criminal tax law in « Le droit fiscal en Belgique – Edition 2017 » (Anthemis)
par BazacleSolon | Avr 25, 2017 | Non classé
Emanuele Ceci en Florence Lallemant publiceren een artikel over 2016 Actualiteiten in fiscaal strafrecht in « Le droit fiscal en Belgique – Edition 2017 » (Anthemis)